Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Just because I'm bored and feel bad for abandoning my blog.

It's been a while, eh?

So much has happend since my last post, but of course, everytime I write a blog, it gets errased. Then I flip out.

Where to start? OOh..-I'm single! As in love as I was, I wasn't blind. You have to be sure to REALLY know a person BEFORE you even start to think about loving them. I learned my lesson. In the prosess, I lost a friend that I really enjoyed having, but no! Wait, he was just pretending! And I thought I was a good actrice! I'm NOTHING compared to THIS guy. But enough negativity...He is NOT worth it!

I re-connected with my dad-the real one! Who helped contribute to my life! I know!! :D
I was able to spend some time before and during Christmas with him and all of my family from his side. I have an awesome family by the way! I have more aunts and uncles than I can count on both hands, no really! I have cousins and it's awesome! My older cousin is just wonderful! He's very outgoing and adventurous and what not! My other ones, well, they weren;t very social. Another time...

I have one cousin on my mom's side of the family. My only uncles son. He is just great! I got to meet him at the same time! What a good, respectable kid! I'm so proud of him! His mom did SUCH a great job!

Hum...what else?? Grad year is going very well! Got my photos done, my ring ordered, a clear idea of what I want for a prom dress...Nice! Plus, the EARLY ACCEPTANCE INTO UNIVERSITY helps the paper work load!!! I KNOW!! I'm so excited! I am officially a Bachelor of Arts student for the Fall 2010 term! It's so exciting!

I have been invited to contribute to another blog, Exposure Extraordinaire , by one of my best friends, Rosie Unknown. HOLLA(gangster talk for holler at you, yo)!! Along with another one of our friends, Fin(HOLLA!...yeah, you know!), we will be posting a photo a day in 2010 as a part of Project eh?? Check it out for sure!! Our first preview photos are up...Comments are welcome, of course!!

So, thats really all I can think of to say for now! Hopefully 2010 will find me writing more often with the new blog on board!...Hum...New Year's Resolution much?? Write our blog more often??!! Me likey...

Happy New Year and Long live German boys with German accent!
Jessica Bo Bessica xox