Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another blog, another day.

What to write abot today??...What to say, what to do, what to understand??

It seems to me now a days that if you are a teenager and you are dating, you are automatically intitled to a minimum of 4 sex talks per day. Yes, that's what I said - SEX. Not only is it one of the most controversal subjects, but when it comes to teens, well let's just say we have a bad rap sheet. And by "we" I mean the non-virgins, hence not me. "lol" So back to the talks. Not that i am against them - that's not it at all! However, when you, a responsable, mature young adult gets these talks multiple times a day, it gets OLD!! I understand the message completly! If you are ready to have sex, be careful. Wrap it! In other words, use a condom! Communicate. Be open with your partner and be sure your on the same page about everything! Do NOT be afraid to talk it ALL over - your intentions, feelings and expectations. No, you are not a noobe, nor are you a freak of nature by wanting to talk this over! It's natural! Like the very sex you are about to have! "lol"

So what was my point in all of this anyways??...Well, I don't really know. All I do know is that as a teenager, adults have a habit of thinking of us as, well, sex addicts. Not all adults, though!! I, as a teenager in quite a serious relationship, sex is comming. I know it. When it will happen, I'm not sure. I know that I'm caught in this falling thing of all these "love" feelings that I'm just not sure what to do with yet...If and when I want sex - I want it to be him. He's perfect. He really is. So, the talks, I love and appreciate them, but I get the point! And I know how to deal with what comes my way!

Jessica Bo Bessica's bit of advice on a random subject of the day: If ever you feel the need to go outside and just scream, do it. If you don't, you'll ask yourself the classic "what if?". You don't want to regret anything when your older. I'm 17 years old and I already regret things. How sad is that? The same goes for matters of the heart. Just do it! What's the worst that could happen? You ask him out and he says no?? BIG DEAL!! Life goes on and besides, he's missing out anyways!

So all this to say, don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't judge my relationship and what I do on my own time because I'm a teenager. We are not ALL hoodlums! Some of us can't wait to become adults to leave this horrible stereotype behind...Forever.

Keep looking to the sky. You never know when you might see a hot air balloon!
Jessica Bo Bessica


  1. great post! it is so important to be on the same page with that sort of thing. If you aren't, it leads to serious problems.

    Hell, I'm younger than you, and I have serious regrets in that area!

  2. its great that youre trying to get away from the horrible steroetypes. i think the problem is really peer pressure because people who dont use a condom, its not coz theyre ignorant, its coz they are pressured not to use it. and i live in england where we have the highest pregnancy rate in europe and the goverment arent really doing anything about the issue. its also sad that people feel the nee to have sex just so they wont be a virgin. its really sad but we just have to lead by example and hope people will follow.
